Sunday, March 11, 2012

Musical 2012

"Hello, Dolly!" and, "Take OFF (not on ;D) your sunday clothes!" have been rerunning over in my head, again and again, some days, driving me nuts!! Being this musical has been truly the best time in all of my life, i have made the most amazing of friends and i don't ever want to loose what i was blessed with from this musical! What would i have done with out all you guys?! I love you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Brace Faccce

Yup that's right, I am a nerd officially!! School has started again and i am in the NHS. National Super Heroes..... Just kidding. But i have been volunteering many places. The Buddy Walk, Boise Rescue Mission, etc. I get free t-shirts!! What more could you ask for??

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bone apatite

Asian clear stir noodles
I though, hey, if i want to be a chef at my restraint for my future career, i need to start putting my cooking to work! Today, i have made what i call, Asian clear stir noodles. It has eggs, peas, garlic, and celery seed in it. With some Mung Bean noodles. It was gooood:) oh and i have NO IDEA how to spell bone apatite...... so i tried my hardest!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I mustache you a question, but I will shave it for later

The past few weeks of this summer have been exactly how i picture it to be. Boring and Lazy. i have watched movies, read some books, got on the computer, drew mustaches on my face, and so much more "Exciting" things! My bestest friend in the whole wide world is moving on the dreaded day of August 1st. We have done everything together and i am going to miss her very much. Brittany Robison, i am goin to miss ya buddy. In memory, here are some pictures we took together.

After our Musical we had to take some pictas!
This was the beginning of our friendship

we were some hot mama's
Zoo trip

        Brittany Robison, I have one thing to say. I love your face:)

Week I don't know.....

I have lost the weekly counting of my plants
but here are some updated pictures of them.

This is the Zucchini and it has been growing much faster than the lettuce..... And the packet said that lettuce would be already done. Those lairs.

And this here is the lettuce, yup, much smaller than the Zucchini, but still breathing! This little lettuce is a true Warrior. It is the last one standing after the deadly battle, Slug vs. the all mighty lettuce. They ate every single on of them except this one. I am so proud.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


From last week with my lovely Lettuce has been growing very
slow..... BUT, I planted some Zucchini and it has been growing
huge!! And its only a week! It has been cool doing this while
thinking it as my faith. Like how I go out side everyday and
water it. One of my zucchini plants got eaten by a slug and
the slug could represent temptations in the world. It can take it away but a new plant can spring up and replace the once
lost plant. If you have nothing to do this summer, I suggest
planting a garden. It has been so fun. And when it is all finished,
we are going to have a garden party!We will eat all the lettuce
and zucchini I planted. I will most likely make ratatouille with the Zucchini!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


                                       The look of School Pictures gone bad.

 So when I cut my hair to the fun and exciting pixi cut, I told myself i would NEVER want to go back to long hair. But, here I am 3 months after the cut and I am craving the long hair fun. Flipping it while talking to guys, playing with it, braiding it, or having it blow in the wind! So I have decided TODAY that I am going to go to the store and buy a giant bottle of Prenatal Vitamins. My sister Sam did the same thing in High School and she will be there to support me through the very, VERY bad hair days. Be ready to see Rebecca,
The girl with the Mullet. My hair will grow 2 inches a month and so by school starts, it will be long and luscious. The dreaded process begins today.